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Sweeeo chiffchaffs in Copenhagen, spring 2024
The birds I admit that I haven't been cutting edge sharp on the finer details of tristis identification. Tristis, the Siberian subspecies of the Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) [gransanger]. The common chiffchaffs are indeed that in our region: common, whereas tristis is only visiting in few numbers, and mainly during the autumn migration. I've mostly hold in memory that tristis has a quite different, more chicken-like call, iiie, compared to the standard huit-call of the common birds. These two calls are distinctively different in the field, and in our region the main confusion regarding the birds saying huit refers to Willow Warbler [løvsanger], although willow tends to give it as two syllable call more like, huu-it. However, without an analysis of the sound, that can be difficult to perceive in the field. To the untrained ear, I'm sure many tiny calls from various song birds can sound like a tristis. More than focusing on the difference in calls, I've also noted, when studying the subject, that there exists a general warning-opinion about common birds being able to give calls similar to the ones given by tristis. I've come to interpret this as: "Be aware that the common birds can have many different calls, why it has to ... read more |
Guldsmede Juli - September Bonanza-dag! Således kaldte Magnus Billqvist den 8. juli, da det lykkedes ham at finde både flammelibel, rødåret hedelibel og sydlig mosaikguldsmed i Horna grushola ved Åhus i Skåne. At finde alle tre på samme dag på samme sted, er også i et østdansk perspektiv en præstation, selv om disse tre arter inden for de sidste par år alle er blevet mere almindelige på vores kanter. At flammelibellen, ifølge Lars Johansen, bliver kaldt en trash-art ude i Europa, vælger jeg at ignorere for nærværende, idet det, som vi bevæger os ind i sommeren 24, fortsat er en art, jeg kun har set en enkelt hun af. At se den smarte han har været et sommervådt ønske lige siden jeg startede med at studere guldsmede - i coronaens skær. Så jeg ville gerne have været med på bonanza-dage ... read more |
Still mostly Mexico and Denmark
Did you know that...
The biggest swift in the world, the White-naped Swift with a wingspan greater than half a meter, is a Mexican endemic living in the western Sierra Madre mountains.
Os der altid glæder os på verdens vegne, vi siger ikke så meget lige nu.
From the Heart
Et par år som bølgede sig frem mellem troen, tvivlen og den manglende forståelse for, hvorledes tingene skulle gå, som de gjorde. Dog ikke så tit i ægte fortvivlelse, for dertil lod stille stunder klarsynet lyse igennem som intuitive strøg af udbredt håb.