N Spain, C and E Europe, Caucasus, C Asia to Japan.
Mature deciduous forests with clearing and herbal vegetation
Common and expanding in Denmark
Host plants:
Brændenælde, døvnælde
1. generation from May to June. 2. generation from July to August. Occasionally a 3. generation also.
Lars Andersen, danske-natur.dk, adds sex to his photos of the species but with no comments. I can't find any information online about how to separate them besides that females are bigger than males.
First this year, and two weeks later than last year is quite late. Like last year only a single animal was present and resting and warming up on the left-over grasses from last year. No feeding flowers present here it seems.
Lars Andersen, danske-natur.dk, adds sex to his photos of the species but with no comments. I can't find any information online about how to separate them besides that females are bigger than males.