In Scandinavian region much like Lille Kålsommerfugl (Pieris rapae)[Small White ~ Blanquita de la Col ~ Rovfjäril] but the clearly green-gray powdered underwing veins/ribbons of Green-veined are very obvious and the best way to separate them. However, in second generation the powder look is weaker, though never absent.
Males have a single weak black spot on the upper forewing where the females shows two strong spots. The same goes for rapae.
The black wing tip on the forewing is normally weaker marked than on both rapae and Stor Kålsommerfugl (Pieris brassicae) [Large White ~ Blanca de la Col ~ Kålfjäril]
Similar species:
Life stages:
NW Africa, Europe to Asia. (N America).
Accepts a great variety of habitats, forest clearings, meadows, agricultural fields, mountain meadows, gardens, parks etc.
In flight it shows the same size and flight as rapae, but it is my perception that it gives a more 'sharp' impression, maybe caused by the well-marked ribbons.
Very common in Denmark and rest of the Nordic countries.
Host plants:
Løgkarse (Alliaria petiolata) [Garlic Mustard ~ Hierba de Ajo ~ Löktrav]
Engkarse (Cardamine pratensis) [Mayflower ~ Agrión de Prado ~ Ängsbräsma]
and other Korsblomster (Brassicaceae) [Crucifers ~ Brasicáceas ~ Korsblommiga växter]
Feeding plants:
Løgkarse (Alliaria petiolata) [Garlic Mustard ~ Hierba de Ajo ~ Löktrav]
Tidsler [Thistles ~ Cardos ~ Tistlar]
and many others, including numerous garden flowers.
Flies in a third generation in warm summers.
In the Scandinavian mountain region flies a subspecies, bicolorata, which has darker gray scales/powder along the underwing ribbions. And further north along the coast flies another dark subspecies, adalwinda.
Flies in a third generation in warm summers.
In the Scandinavian mountain region flies a subspecies, bicolorata, which has darker gray scales/powder along the underwing ribbions. And further north along the coast flies another dark subspecies, adalwinda.